3 Tips To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Water Softener

Posted on: 21 September 2017

If you live in an area plagued by hard water, your home's water supply could be cause for concern. Hard water can dry out your skin and hair, and it can also leave behind mineral deposits on your dishes, clothing, and bathroom fixtures. Installing a water softener is a simple and effective way to eliminate hard water from your home.

Ensuring that your water softener performs efficiently is critical when it comes to consistently eliminating hard water over time. Here are three tips that you can use to help improve the efficiency of your water softener in the future.

1. Make sure the clock on your water softener is correct.

Many homeowners are surprised to discover that their water softeners are equipped with a clock. Ensuring that the clock on your water softener is set correctly can be a simple way to improve the efficiency of the appliance.

Water softeners have a regeneration cycle that allows them to maintain proper water levels and treat your home's water supply in order to eliminate mineral deposits within the water. The regeneration cycle typically runs during the night when water usage is at a minimum.

If the clock on your water softener is wrong, the regeneration cycle could be running at the wrong time and compromising the efficiency of your water softener in the future.

2. Use the right kind of salt.

It's important that you know what type of salt your water softener uses. Water softening systems rely on salt to help treat the hard water flowing through them. This salt comes in a variety of forms including blocks, pellets, and granules.

Manufacturers design water softeners to work with a specific type of salt, so pairing your water softener with the salt form suggested by its manufacturer will help you improve the efficiency of the appliance over time.

3. Maintain proper salt levels.

In addition to utilizing the right kind of salt, you need to ensure that your water softener has access to the right amount of salt at all times. If there isn't enough salt in your water softener, the water moving through the appliance won't be treated properly and your home will be supplied with water that is still hard.

If there is too much salt in your water softener, this salt could corrode your pipes and cause damage to your water softener over time. Be sure to regulate salt levels in order to improve the efficiency of your water softener.

Being able to properly maintain your water softener ensures the effective performance of this appliance over time. Be sure that your water softener's clock is correct, that you are using the right kind of salt in your water softener, and that you keep the right amount of salt in the appliance to ensure maximum efficiency. For more information, contact companies like A Plus Water.
