Tips To Help You Prepare For A Long Distance Move In The Middle Of Winter

Posted on: 25 November 2017

A long distance move can be stressful enough on its own. But when you are moving during the winter months, it can become even more stressful. This is because weather can wreak havoc on your plans. It may be snowing the day you plan to move everything out of your home or icy road conditions can cause delays. A long distance mover can help you get your items from one location to another, taking this burden off of you. Here are a few other tips to help you prepare for a long distance move in the middle of winter. 

Take More in a Suitcase Than You Think You Will Need

If you are moving long distance, you should always pack a suitcase with a few days worth of clothes, toiletries and medications. This helps you have the items you will need until the moving trucks arrives at your new destination with your belongings. However, when you are moving during the winter months, you may need to pack more in a suitcase than you think. Winter weather can be unpredictable and the movers may get delayed or be unable to deliver your items on the scheduled day. Bringing along extra necessities can help ensure that weather delays do not leave you without the items you need. 

Schedule Utility Turn On Service a Day or Two Early

Another tip to help as you are preparing for a long distance move is to schedule your utility turn on services a day or two before you arrive, if possible. In some cases, you do have to be there when the utility is turned on. In this scenario, you can't schedule the service early. But if you do not need to be present, it is recommended you do so. Utility companies can also experience weather-related delays. They may have emergencies and be unable to turn your utilities on one the scheduled day, or weather may prevent them from doing so. Having it turned on early helps ensure that if there is a delay, the utilities will still be on by the time you get there. 

Ensure There is a Path for Movers

The last tip is to ensure that there is a path for the movers to get their moving truck into your driveway and then your belongings into your home. It is not a long distance movers responsibility to shovel snow or use de-icers on your walkways. All of this should be done before the movers arrive to help ensure that they can quickly and safely unload your belongings from the moving truck into your new home. 

Moving during the winter months presents more challenges than moving during the spring or summer months. However, as long as you hire a great long distance mover and you are prepared for the possibility of delays, your move will go as smoothly as you can possibly plan for it to go. 
